Welcome to the teamdecoder
Hello, and welcome to teamdecoder
This webinar will help you discover and navigate teamdecoder, it will guide you through the firsts steps to get onboard and use teamdecoder as an admin or a governance moderator.
We wish you a great learning experience!
Let us know if one of your questions remains unanswered:
Have a look into our large knowledge base
Write an email to helpdesk@teamdecoder.com
Thank you very much for using teamdecoder. We are excited to have you as a partner on this mission to make work organisation easy and transparent for everyone.
Kai & team.
This webinar consists of different chapters: combined together, they will give you all the information you need to use all the functions of teamdecoder and to give your team great guidance in its change process.
We have given the chapters the order we think makes more sense: however, as everyone has their own learning process, feel free to jump back and forth through the chapters, as you feel more comfortable,
Likewise, individual chapters sometimes overlap: this is done on purpose, so they explain the same parts of the app in different contexts, in a way to give you the full understanding behind the idea, form and function of the methodology and the app.
Every chapter has a link to a website, to an article in our Knowledge Base or to a YouTube video. They are specially curated to be presented in the best combination for first-time users.
The yellow button at the bottom of each page always brings you to the next chapter.
You can jump between chapters, with the menu bar on the left side, or under the top left III menu.
Happy Learning!
Click START and get going
PS: teamdecoder was called "mytpt" in the beginning, you might still find that name here and there ;) Also our app design is changing, whenever we learn how to improve we do so, so it may happen that the screenshots presented in here are not always 100% the same than what you see.